When is the best moment to see the Keukenhof Gardens?

Did you know that tulips bloom for a short period in spring from mid-March to mid-May? This is undoubtedly the peak season as people flock in from different parts of the world to witness the tulips blooming in their colourful glory. The best place to view these flowers in all their glory is the Keukenhof Gardens, about 40KM away from Amsterdam. A group tour is a convenient and cheap way to get straight to the gardens and back.

What is the best complement in Amsterdam? Always, always carry an umbrella.

Amsterdam weather is quite unpredictable and gets on an average 200 days of rain in year which means the chances of you getting caught in the rain are pretty high. Regardless of what the weather app says, keep a raincoat or umbrella handy against the elements!

Do the bikes stop at any moment?

When crossing the street, look left, look right, and repeat. Seriously, or you’ll be hit by a biker or get yelled at because bikers have the right of way here. They can do what they want like ride up a one way street if they feel like it and fly by in the blink of an eye so look left, look right, and repeat!

Is the tap water drinkable?

The tap water in Amsterdam is drinkable. It’s clean, tastes good, and it’s free.

At restaurants, they’ll ask to serve you “still” or “sparkling” water, which you’ll have to pay for. You can ask for tap water– the sneaky 3rd free option they never mentioned– but some restaurants can charge for tap water, so keep it in mind!

Two tips from us:

It never hurts to say Dank je wel!

Most Dutch and locals in Amsterdam speak English well and you won’t have a problem communicating in general, unlike other European cities. But even the locals appreciate you putting in a bit of effort with their language and it is good to learn a few phrases and words. Try this when you are in Amsterdam – Dank je wel (Thank you), Alstublieft (Please), Tot Zeins (Goodbye), Goedmorgen (Good Morning), Ja and Nee (Yes and No), Kaartje (Ticket), and Hoveel Kost Deze (How much is this?).

Keep your passport on you and valuables locked away

Tourists are always required to keep their passports on them during their stay in Amsterdam. Make sure you carry a strap on pouch that will hold all your valuables, however just stick to carrying minimum cash, one card and a form of ID.